L-A-D Foundation - Land Stewardship in the Missouri Ozark Highlands Since 1962
L-A-D Foundation - Land Stewardship in the Missouri Ozark Highlands Since 1962

L-A-D Foundation 2007 Grant Recipients
Springfield Plateau Grotto
Tumbling Creek Cave Foundation
The grant award was used for improving groundwater quality within the Tumbling Creek Cave recharge area and providing future groundwater protection. Actions taken to improve groundwater quality include: clean-up of unregulated dumps on private lands, maintenance of private on-site wastewater systems, and private landowner education to promote land management practices for future groundwater protection.
The foundation has cleaned 31 out of 33 dumps in the recharge area of the cave, including pumping 14 septic tanks and conducting hydrogeological inspections. Field work was conducted by the Ozark Underground Laboratory and the Tumbling Creek Cave Foundation.
Missouri River Relief
The grant was used to support the Missouri River Clean-up on June 14, which was one of eight clean-ups hosted by the organization this past year.
Flooding impacted the group's efforts this year. The parking lot and boat ramp were flooded, the banks were covered with water, and the organization had to cancel public participation. However, the Missouri River Relief crew went out for the day and picked up as much floating trash as they could. The River Festival was held on higher ground and went on with great success.
In addition to eight clean-ups, Missouri River Relief hosted four educational river festivals, participated in numerous public education events, hosted monthly public talks with experts on the river, and assisted other organizations with their river clean-up activities on the Blue, Missouri, Mississippi, Meramec, and Illinois rivers.
Bonebrake Center of Nature and History
In 2008 the Ozark Kids' Connection program was launched and funded with a grant from L-A-D. The program has generated a great deal of media coverage and positive feedback from the public.
Staff members from the center visited local schools and youth centers to discuss numerous Ozark topics and environmental specifics. The group also hosted public youth events at the Bonebrake Center, including monthly learning days.
Salem Ozark Natural and Cultural Resource Center
The grant was used to cover expenses related to procuring and developing exhibits, presentations, and educational information with an emphasis on Ozark heritage that is available to the public. The 6,000 square foot facility is located on scenic Highway 19 in Salem, Missouri. The organization plans to develop an additional room that will be used as a class/multi-purpose room for presentations, partner meetings, and training sessions.
The Nature Conservancy-Missouri Chapter
The grant award is being used to identify and prioritize important woodlands within the Current River Watershed. Shortly after receiving the grant, the Nature Conservancy partnered with the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) to work on a woodland database.
Watershed Committee of the Ozarks
A professor and graduate student from the University of Missouri developed a database model and with input from The Nature Conservancy and Missouri Department of Conservation, the product is used to help prioritize land protection efforts in the Watershed. The database also assists conservation partners within the Current River Hills Conservation Opportunity Area (COA) to prioritize and strategize conservation efforts. The contractor acquired and digitized the data. TNC staff implemented phase two of the project after the database was completed. Landowner outreach began in spring 2009.
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PIONEER FOREST ♦ PO BOX 497, SALEM, MO 65560 ♦ 573-729-4641
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