L-A-D Foundation - Land Stewardship in the Missouri Ozark Highlands Since 1962
L-A-D Foundation - Land Stewardship in the Missouri Ozark Highlands Since 1962

L-A-D Foundation 2018 Grant Recipients

Paddle MO event sponsored by Stream Teams United

AmeriCorps St. Louis members conducting prescribed burn
AmeriCorps St. Louis
Purchase of backpack blowers and drip torches for prescribed fire and conservation work in Missouri
Great Rivers Environmental Law Center
Outreach and education efforts regarding Ozarks rivers
Kaleidoscope Discovery Center
Installation of tree root exhibit and portable tree displays to teach kids about trees native to Missouri
Mark Twain Forest Watchers
Citizen engagement in the management of Mark Twain National Forest
Missouri Archaeological Society
Publication and distribution of educational posters highlighting Schoolcraft's 1818-1819 journey through the Missouri Ozarks
Missouri Cave and Karst Conservancy
Equipment costs for cleanup of Goodwin Cave
Ozark Trail Association
Purchase of Chromebooks and volunteer and donation management software
Reynolds County Genealogical Society
Materials for creating an exhibit on the history of the forest and timber industry in Reynolds County
Sierra Club, Missouri Chapter
Outreach and education on ONSR Roads and Trails Plan
Stream Teams United
Development of a 2-day educational trip on the Current or Big Piney River
© 2013-2023 L-A-D FOUNDATION ♦ 725 KINGSLAND AVE., SUITE 100, ST. LOUIS, MO 63130 ♦ 314-621-0230 ♦ EMAIL: INFO@LADFOUNDATION.ORG
PIONEER FOREST ♦ PO BOX 497, SALEM, MO 65560 ♦ 573-729-4641
This site maintained by Craig Technology Consulting • 201 E. 4th St. • Salem, Missouri 65560 • PH 573.453.2322