L-A-D Foundation - Land Stewardship in the Missouri Ozark Highlands Since 1962
L-A-D Foundation - Land Stewardship in the Missouri Ozark Highlands Since 1962

2021 Grants
AmeriCorps St. Louis
Replaces obsolete radios used in prescribed burns with new digital radios able to communicate with those of other agencies.
Black People Who Hike
Funds two-day training in first aid and and introduction to backpacking for leaders of this new group. Training will be videotaped to help train future leaders, and some equipment will be purchased.
Greater Ozarks Audubon Society
Funds weeklong Green Leadership Academy for Diverse Ecosystems (GLADE) program for students, including those in counties where the L-A-D Foundation owns land. Students are exposed to conservation and science issues.
Missouri Archaeological Society
Expands on 2019 L-A-D grant work on L-A-D property, teaming volunteer and professional archaeologists through its Public Archaeology Program.
Missouri Caves and Karst Conservancy
Purchases erosion control supplies that will stabilize soil remaining in the Goodwin Sinkhole in Laclede County.
Missouri Parks Association
Provides multi-day or single-day field trips to Missouri parks for Ozark youth, focusing on Dent County.
Missouri Prairie Foundation
Funds 2.5 day Ozark Woodland and Prairie Management Training for Ozark landowners and others. Their newly acquired Schuette Prairie in Polk County will serve as the field site.
Ozark Trail Association
Upgrades trailheads with sign-in boxes and additional kiosks to display important information.
Sierra Club, Missouri Chapter
Funds salaries to mobilize Sierra Club volunteers, plan outings to maintain and build new trails, and engage new visitors to the Ozark National Scenic Riverways.
University of Missouri, School of Natural Resources
Enables School of Natural Resources presentations on conservation easements in Crawford, Dent, Shannon, and Texas Counties.