L-A-D Foundation - Land Stewardship in the Missouri Ozark Highlands Since 1962
L-A-D Foundation - Land Stewardship in the Missouri Ozark Highlands Since 1962

Dillard Mill State Historic Site, Crawford County, 130 acres
Dillard Mill is one of only a few restored, and operating, water-powered gristmills. Others, which are either state or federally-owned, are Alley, Bollinger, and Montauk. Dillard Mill is notable in that it was the longest-running, remaining in business until 1956. Remarkably, all of Dillard Mill's original equipment remains in place. At Dillard, visitors today can hear the sounds of the turbine just as millers did for more than half-a-century. A person walking from the parking lot slowly discovers the red mill building in the distance, perched atop a rock wall, as waters from Huzzah Creek spill over a short dam. This scene is arguably the most appealing of any in Missouri.
This is a day-use state historic site. Tours of the mill are offered by staff of the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Division of State Parks during certain operating hours for a nominal fee. In addition to the old mill building the site includes Dillard Cemetery, a 1.5-mile-long trail, picnic tables, a shelter, and the park office, site administrator's residence, and a small building used for displays.
Since 1977 this site has been leased to the Missouri Department of Natural Resources for management as a unit of the Missouri State Park System. Dillard Mill State Historic Site is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Highway 32 east from Salem to Highway 49, then north to the Dillard Mill Road. After the road turns to gravel, the site entrance is another mile down the road.
For more information click http://mostateparks.com/park/dillard-mill-state-historic-site

PHOTO BY: Greg Iffrig

PHOTO BY: Greg Iffrig
© 2013-2023 L-A-D FOUNDATION ♦ 725 KINGSLAND AVE., SUITE 100, ST. LOUIS, MO 63130 ♦ 314-621-0230 ♦ EMAIL: INFO@LADFOUNDATION.ORG
PIONEER FOREST ♦ PO BOX 497, SALEM, MO 65560 ♦ 573-729-4641
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