L-A-D Foundation - Land Stewardship in the Missouri Ozark Highlands Since 1962
L-A-D Foundation - Land Stewardship in the Missouri Ozark Highlands Since 1962

Piney River Narrows Natural Area, Texas County, 258 acres

View of West Piney Creek. PHOTO BY: Greg Iffrig

Bluebells Along Big Piney River. PHOTO BY: Greg Iffrig

Big Piney River. PHOTO BY: Greg Iffrig
The Narrows is a scenic Ozark Plateau landform featuring three exceptional dolomite limestone pinnacles squeezed between West Piney Creek and the Big Piney River. Atop the pinnacles are spectacular views across both watersheds.
With both east and west-facing slopes and the mixture of sandstone and limestone-derived soils, a rich mixture of plant species inhabits this small area. The rock ledges here support plants such as false aloe, eastern red cedar, and an interesting plant known as yampha or false dill (Perideridia Americana). Through selective removal of eastern red cedar we hope to expand and restore the glade habitat.
There is nearly a mile of river frontage along the West Piney Creek to the west and 3/4-mile of river frontage along the Big Piney River on the east side. In early spring, visitors can park in the Narrows parking lot along Highway 17 and enjoy a walk through the bottoms along the Big Piney River, rewarded with acres of blooming bluebells.
The land bordering West Piney Creek serves as an example of a headwater stream lined by precipitous sandstone bluffs where 51 fish species have been recorded.
Lands here were donated to the foundation by Leo and Kay Drey from 1970 through 1973.
A 50-acre portion of the property was designated a Missouri Natural Area in December of 1971.
About two miles west of Houston past the junction of Route Z and Highway 17. There is parking just off Highway 17 with good access to the Big Piney River.
For more information click http://www.mdc.mo.gov/discover-nature/places/natural-areas/piney-river-narrows.

PHOTO BY: Neal Humke
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PIONEER FOREST ♦ PO BOX 497, SALEM, MO 65560 ♦ 573-729-4641
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